moonlightmuse-18_border2As The Moonlight Muse, it’s my intention to help highly-creative and spiritually-minded women connect the dots of their life story in a way that makes sense and in a way that feels right.  It’s through this intention that I’m able to help them “Connect with their Creative Purpose. Step into their Life Story. Create their Legacy.”

I’m a lover of story. I genuinely love hearing women tell their life stories. Through their words, through their laughter, through their tears – I hear threads of meaning, threads of purpose. And I have a divine gift for weaving these threads together in a way that unveils a richer life meaning, bringing about deep clarity and synchronistic moments.

It’s this meaning that brings the “ah-ha” moments, the deep understanding, the desired clarity that leads to divinely-inspired actions. It’s this meaning that paves the way to choosing an authentic path of work. It’s this meaning that helps us make sense of the relationships in our lives. It’s this meaning that sparks the richness of living a life on purpose.

I strongly believe that women create powerful ripples every single day through the choices they make – and they’re always touching people – their children, their family, their friends, their communities, their world – through this “ripple of influence.” And it’s the choices they make that pave the way toward a life filled with purpose, passion, and creative expression.

Have you ever noticed the kind of ripple you are sending out? Is it coming from a place of clarity, purpose, and passion – or from a place of confusion, disconnect, and frustration? And what’s being created from this ripple?

This is what I call the creative purpose ripple.

We’re all here to create big ripples in the world – and it’s my intention to help spiritually-creative women connect with their life purpose in a deep and meaningful way so that their ripple is one of authenticity and impact.

Working with the moon phases, astrological wisdom, journaling techniques and visual mapping strategies, I gently guide spiritually-minded and creative women on an exploration of their life story and what experiences have led them to a particular moment in time. We follow the path of their story as we weave together the threads of their creative purpose, both personally and professionally.

What’s always interesting – is how surprised women are to see how these threads have always been present in their lives – and how they are very much a part of their legacies.

The way I see it – it’s just a matter of connecting the dots of one’s life journey, weaving in their passions, and turning on the light. Then the path of purple possibilities unfolds before them – allowing those deep and rich connections that have been cultivated within them and outside of them to serve their purpose in meaningful and extraordinary ways.

As The Moonlight MuseI share my divine gifts with women all over the world who are searching for a deeper meaning in life, both personally and professionally. We explore the concept of Creative Legacy through the lens of spiritual depression (spiritual disconnect from meaning and purpose) and how “off-track” and unhappy and unfulfilled that can make us. We look at the “aftermath” – the ripple that’s created – from a person who is living “off purpose.”

Then we embark on a magical process of reconnection on a spiritual level – in a way that honors the authenticity of the individual. We connect to the power of an “authentically-inspired” ripple – and begin to experience the transformation that takes places when a woman is living “on purpose.” Not only does she come alive, everything she touches comes alive.

It’s creates a ripple effect that goes on and on and on…….leading into a creative legacy.

It’s not about “changing” the life story. It’s about understanding the gifts of one’s life story (one’s life journey) in a way that uncovers their true creative purpose.

I don’t believe in regrets. I believe in understanding the WHY behind life’s “pivotal moments” – then weaving them together to identify one’s life purpose so that an AUTHENTIC legacy can be fulfilled.

I host a bi-weekly podcast that addresses the many different aspects of creativity, divine purpose, legacy, life story, spiritual depression, and spiritual surrender. All of my shows are centered on a particular theme of creative legacy, with guest experts who help me illustrate various concepts.

Through a variety of ways – my podcast, my blog, my social networks, my newsletter, my private and group coaching programs, and my personalized retreats – I create a unique spiritually-creative community, based on the phases of the moon, that provides the sacred space needed for women who are ready to embrace and honor the gifts of their life story as they fully connect with their divine creative purpose and begin to create their living legacies.

We all have a creative legacy. What’s yours?

Join me – and let’s find out!